Tag: UN (page 1 of 2)

For a UN Convention on International Development Cooperation

Questions and answers for a very important topic

Why do we need a United Nations Convention on International Development Cooperation? – Eurodad

A crucial first step towards a UN Tax Convention

Negotiations started!

UN tax negotiations: A crucial first step – International Trade Union Confederation

Global progress in a crumbling world

Who can offer some hope?

Glimmers of global progress in a crumbling world

Overwhelming majority for UN Tax Convention

a vote in the 2nd Committee of the UN General Assembly ended with an overwhelming majority in favor of approving the Terms of Reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. The negotiation process for the new convention is now set to begin in February 2025 and end in 2027.

Another overwhelming majority puts the UN Tax Convention negotiations on track, but the EU abstains – Eurodad

For a new International Financial Architecture

The international financial architecture is in urgent need of reform. In the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, it is “outdated, dysfunctional and unjust”. The main institutions were created 80 years ago in a transatlantic agreement, at a time when many of the world’s nation-states of today were still colonies. Moreover, the institutions have failed in their mission to prevent and mitigate crises and to mobilize sufficient financing for internationally agreed development goals.

Reimagining the International Financial Architecture | Global Policy Forum

UN Framework Convention on Sovereign Debt

A Reform Agenda for the Upcoming 4th International Conference on Financing for Development


The Summit of the Future: committing to action

Rather: a call for committing to action… will it happen?

The Summit of the Future—committing to action (socialeurope.eu)

On the Road to the Second World Social Summit

What are the priorities in the preparation of this important summit?

GPF_Briefing9_Pre-WSSD.pdf (globalpolicywatch.org)

The UN’s Pact for the Future

The South Centre and the Transnational Institute organized on 11 April of 2024 in Geneva a pivotal dialogue on the expected outcomes of the forthcoming United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future. The dialogue was specifically designed to allow International Geneva to dissect and exchange ideas on the ongoing negotiation process towards the ‘Pact for the Future’.

The dialogue brought together representatives from developing countries, scholars, researchers, and civil society organisations (CSOs) in a collective effort to deliberate on the Summit’s objectives and the proposed outcome document.

SouthNews: Geneva Dialogue on the UN ‘Pact for the Future’ (mailchi.mp)

Step forward in UN Tax Convention Process

International tax dodging, corporate tax reform, wealth taxes and environmental tax issues were all on the agenda of the first substantial negotiations of the UN Tax Convention process, which ended this week in New York. The process included all 193 Member States at the United Nations, and at the final plenary, all countries reached a consensus agreement on the next – and final – negotiating round, starting in July this year. 

Important step forward for UN Tax Convention process – Eurodad

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