Tag: Trump

The Trump Effect on Global Health

In the first installment of an in-depth analysis, Dr. B. Ekbal examines the potential global health impact of Donald Trump’s presidency, drawing parallels to his past healthcare policies

The Trump Effect: pushing global health to the brink : Peoples Dispatch

Trump’s Uber-wealthy Cabinet

President-elect Donald Trump is stacking his Cabinet with billionaires and centi-millionaires, whose financial entanglements pose conflict-of-interest challenges.

Trump has assembled an uber-wealthy Cabinet, raising risks of ethics conflicts – The Washington Post

Deep historical forces explain Trump’s win

Our research shows that political breakdown, from the Roman Empire to the Russian revolution, follows a clear pattern: workers’ wages stagnate, while elites multiply

The deep historical forces that explain Trump’s win | US politics | The Guardian

Why did Trump win?

It has so much to do with the major topic of this website …

Why Did Trump Really Win? It’s Simple, Actually. – Mother Jones