Tag: tax (page 2 of 4)

A billionaire tax for social security

In a number of swing states in the US people agree to have a billinaire tax pay for better social security

Billionaire tax to bolster Social Security popular in swing states | The Hill

The Myth of the Mobile Millionaire

The notion that rich taxpayers will flee if the state comes for their money is mostly fiction.

The Myth of the Mobile Millionaire – The Atlantic

EU: 33 million euros per hour missing

EU governments are losing out on a staggering 286.5 billion euros in revenue annually, equivalent to 33 million euros per hour, due to their failure to fairly tax Europe’s wealthiest. This amount, equivalent to Finland’s GDP, represents what a European wealth tax of up to 5 percent could raise every year, according to Oxfam’s analysis.

EU governments miss 33 million euros per hour in unpaid taxes from Europe’s super-rich | Oxfam International

Financial Transaction Tax

A European Citizens Initiative: Do sign!

Tax the rich – Foundation for European Progressive Studies (feps-europe.eu)

Submission for a UN Tax Convention

As the negotiations of Terms of Reference for a new United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation move forward, over 170 organisations and trade unions have responded to a consultation and made a joint submission to the Chair of the negotiations, specifying the key points that we expect the Convention to deliver on.

More than 170 CSOs and trade unions issue joint submission regarding a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (eurodad.org)

Paying CEOs or Paying Taxes?

Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they’re paying Uncle Sam. 

Corporations That Pay Their Executives More Than Uncle Sam – Inequality.org

Taxing Wealth to Break Billionaire Dominance

We are much closer to seeing the world’s first trillionaire than ending poverty. Why? Because our economic system works for the few richest individuals, often men, who reign over our economy.  

Taxing wealth to break billionaire dominance (socialeurope.eu)

Towards a UN Tax Convention?

A historic tax resolution tabled by the Africa Group was adopted at the UN General Assembly, kickstarting an intergovernmental UN tax process to negotiate a new UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.

Historic tax vote paves the way for a UN Tax Convention – Eurodad

Global Tax Evasion: good news and bad news

If – global – governance wants and needs new resources: tackle global tax evasion!

Read Jayathi Ghosh’s article

A simplified Approach for Taxing Multinationals

This paper puts forward an alternative to the proposed multilateral convention under Pillar One of the BEPS project, by building on and going beyond the progress made so far. A new direction was signalled in 2019 by the G-24 paper proposing a taxable nexus based on significant economic presence, combined with fractional apportionment. The resulting measures agreed under the two Pillars entail acceptance in principle of this approach, and also provide detailed technical standards for its implementation. These include: (i) a taxable nexus based on a quantitative threshold of sales revenues; (ii) a methodology for defining the global consolidated profits of MNEs for tax purposes, and (iii) detailed technical standards for defining and quantifying the factors that reflect the real activities of MNEs in a jurisdiction (sales, assets and employees).

Read the working paper of the South Centre

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