Tag: tax (page 1 of 4)

Tax and Human Rights

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has just issued a much-awaited and historic statement: for the first time, it explicitly recognises that states must tackle inequality and guarantee rights through fair tax policies.

The statement is ambitious and sets a new global standard: states must adopt progressive tax systems, eliminate tax privileges and avoid regressive taxes that hit those with the least the hardest.

A crucial first step towards a UN Tax Convention

Negotiations started!

UN tax negotiations: A crucial first step – International Trade Union Confederation

Make Amazon Pay!

Amazon workers and their union, the Teamsters, launched the largest strike against Amazon in US history this week. Amazon workers in Germany and members of the union ver.di announced they will strike along with their US counterparts. The nationwide US action follows Amazon’s repeated refusal to follow the law and bargain with the thousands of Amazon workers who organised with the Teamsters.

PI Briefing | No. 48 | Teamsters Make Amazon Pay | Progressive International

Overwhelming majority for UN Tax Convention

a vote in the 2nd Committee of the UN General Assembly ended with an overwhelming majority in favor of approving the Terms of Reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. The negotiation process for the new convention is now set to begin in February 2025 and end in 2027.

Another overwhelming majority puts the UN Tax Convention negotiations on track, but the EU abstains – Eurodad

Why a global tax on the rich …

is indeed a very good and reasonable option

Opinion | Why global tax on super rich is least bad option to tackle crises | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)

One Step Towards a UN Tax Convention

The UN Intergovernmental Committee on International Tax Cooperation has adopted, with the support of a large majority of member states, a Terms of Reference (ToR) that is the blueprint for developing the convention. Negotiations based on the ToR are planned over the next three years and should result in the adoption of a UN Global Tax Convention expected in 2027.

ITUC welcomes UN progress toward international tax cooperation convention – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Tax Rules for a Globalised World

The European Union can be the biggest winner from the United Nations tax convention.

Developing tax rules for a globalised world (socialeurope.eu)

How to tax the world’s richest?

Analysis of Zucman’s proposal:

A Practical Prescription for Taxing Our World’s Richest – Inequality.org

A political vaccine against the far right

Real solutions to the crises fuelling the far right needs demand public investment. The super-rich must pay their share.

Tax on billionaires—political vaccine against the far right (socialeurope.eu)

Step forward in UN Tax Convention Process

International tax dodging, corporate tax reform, wealth taxes and environmental tax issues were all on the agenda of the first substantial negotiations of the UN Tax Convention process, which ended this week in New York. The process included all 193 Member States at the United Nations, and at the final plenary, all countries reached a consensus agreement on the next – and final – negotiating round, starting in July this year. 

Important step forward for UN Tax Convention process – Eurodad

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