Institutional and economic factors supporting workers are offsetting well-adverted global trends affecting wage distribution.
Wage inequality in Europe—and why it is falling (
Institutional and economic factors supporting workers are offsetting well-adverted global trends affecting wage distribution.
Wage inequality in Europe—and why it is falling (
The distinction between employed and self-employed is becoming incoherent and outdated.
The ILO has formally agreed on a definition for a living wage – an essential part of the New Social Contract – to reshape the global economy to serve the interests of working people.
An EU directive should mandate member states to address shortages as a risk to occupational health.
Establishing safe staffing in health and social care (
The EU is strengthening the rights of platform workers. But companies are left with loopholes that not every member state wants to close
Illusion of substance – European integration | IPS Journal (
A presumption of employment and rights on algorithmic management are at the heart of the revived platform-work directive.
‘Gig’ workers in Europe: the new platform of rights (
A job guarantee would not only eliminate long-term unemployment but also buttress the European Union.
Might be a positive development …
European Works Councils: on a road to further reform (
This International Migrants Day, 18 December, the ITUC highlights the work of trade unions around the world to protect, promote and fulfil migrant workers’ rights.
The report, Trade Unions in Action for the Rights of Migrant Workers, showcases organising, campaigning, advocacy and direct support activities carried out by trade union organisations from 10 countries.
An ILO conference adopted a declaration committing to enhance action towards the development and implementation of national policies to reduce and prevent inequalities in the world of work, through social dialogue. Such policies will respond to national circumstances, needs and priorities, based on tripartite consensus.
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