Tag: labour (page 2 of 5)

Workers’ fundamental right to organise

is crucial to combat heat stress: vital role of trade unions in combating heat stress and need for organised labour to protect workers from this climate change-induced danger.

Workers’ fundamental right to organise is crucial in combating heat stress – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Social Dialogue: Democracy in practice

In the face of the threat from the far right, trade unions represent democracy’s strongest supporters.

Social dialogue: defending democracy in practice (socialeurope.eu)

Labour’s labour agenda

A worker-centred agenda from the new UK government could counterbalance the European shift to the right.

Labour’s labour agenda—resetting relations with Europe (socialeurope.eu)

The Future of Work

There is no single future for the world of work—and it is up to policy-makers to shape it.

The future of work: getting ready for tomorrow today (socialeurope.eu)

Cleaners come out of the shadows

‘The EU’s ultra-liberal policies can even be found in Parliament’s toilets’ read the lead into a recent media investigation of cleaners’ abysmal working conditions in the European Parliament. The findings—including the fear of speaking to journalists—should not come as any surprise.

Cleaners come out from the shadows to mobilise (socialeurope.eu)

Beware of the ‘little man’ sorcerers

European workers enjoy more social support than five years ago but the far right and strict austerity are looming threats.

European elections: beware the ‘little man’ sorcerers (socialeurope.eu)

HomeCare and domestic workers deserve better

A survey shows an alarming malaise in a sector heavily dominated by women and migrant workers.

Homecare and domestic workers deserve better (socialeurope.eu)

EU: Social Dialogue is urgent!

EU instruments encouraging social dialogue and collective bargaining are very valuable—but not if employers can walk away.

Social dialogue: urgent to turn words into deeds (socialeurope.eu)

For democracy at work, we demand the right to strike

For Democracy at Work, We Demand the Right to Strike! – International Trade Union Confederation (ituc-csi.org)

Sign ITUC’s petition!

EU and minimum wages

The directive has already changed the landscape on setting minimum wages and extending collective bargaining.

Not done yet—applying the minimum-wages directive (socialeurope.eu)

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