Why inequality must go, fifteen years after Wilkinson & Pickett’s classical
From the UK, a New Reminder Why Inequality Must Go – Inequality.org
Why inequality must go, fifteen years after Wilkinson & Pickett’s classical
From the UK, a New Reminder Why Inequality Must Go – Inequality.org
On Labour’s ‘deselection’ of a candidate who fights inequality …
There is a growing attack on the entire idea of redistribution, with social benefits being decried as freebies even as the super-rich are praised as wealth creators.
An article by Jean Drèze
Who Is Afraid of Redistribution? | Economic and Political Weekly (epw.in)
Inequality was traditionally the central concern of economists—until it wasn’t. It may be time to re-read the classics.
Exactly what Branco Milanovic did!
Institutional and economic factors supporting workers are offsetting well-adverted global trends affecting wage distribution.
Wage inequality in Europe—and why it is falling (socialeurope.eu)
The Problematic Past, Present, and Future of Inequality Studies | The Nation
For those wondering how Oxfam arrives at its inequality statistics, here is their methodology report:
Davos 2024 Methodology Note.pdf (oi-files-d8-prod.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com)
Since 2020, the richest five men in the world have doubled their fortunes. During the same period, almost five billion people globally have become poorer. Hardship and hunger are a daily reality for many people worldwide. At current rates, it will take 230 years to end poverty, but we could have our first trillionaire in a decade.
The nex Oxfam Report!
Look at the charts of the World Bank: 2023 was noty positive at all. More poverty, more inequality, ‘development work more complicated’…
For the first time in the history of collective bargaining negotiations, the wage differential between top management and rank-and-file workers has become an underlying issue. The striking autoworkers’ claim for a 40% raise was partly justified by noting that 40% is the wage increase received by the auto companies’ CEOs over the past four years.
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