Joint Statement of USP2030 and Olivier De Schutter, UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights – for FfD4
Joint Statement of USP2030 and Olivier De Schutter, UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights – for FfD4
Can human rights survive the decline of global Western hegemony? Rights supporters will no doubt find the question uncomfortable, if not heretical, for it contravenes the very tenets on which the international human rights enterprise has long rested: its claim to universality, its anchoring in impersonal international norms, and its demonstrated record of trying to hold accountable both non-Western and Western governments for their rights violations. Not only that, but the argument that human rights are in essence a Western imposition has long been rights-abusing governments’ weapon of choice to reject international scrutiny and hound rights activists at home.
A new impetus for corporate accountability
In order to understand the very clear links between different topics …
Case studies on the harm from austerity and means-testing
World Bank, IMF are Missing the Mark on Social Security | Human Rights Watch (
On the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Convention 87, ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo calls for intensified efforts to promote and protect these rights and collectively strive for a future grounded in human dignity, freedom, and social justice.
Human Rights Day: 75 Years of Human Rights and Labour Advocacy (
In the face of the unprecedented global crises that the world is currently facing, upholding and fulfilling the human right to food and a clean, safe and healthy environment have become critically important. The Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted two important resolutions on these issues in its 52nd Session, held from 27 February to 04 April 2023. The present policy brief discusses the implications and scope of these resolutions to strengthen and advance fundamental human rights, building resilience and promoting the role of multilateralism as a tool to face the triple planetary crises and recover better from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the South Centre’s Briefing
In the face of the unprecedented global crises that the world is currently facing, upholding and fulfilling the human right to food and a clean, safe and healthy environment have become critically important. The Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted two important resolutions on these issues in its 52nd Session, held from 27 February to 04 April 2023. The present policy brief discusses the implications and scope of these resolutions to strengthen and advance fundamental human rights, building resilience and promoting the role of multilateralism as a tool to face the triple planetary crises and recover better from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Policy Brief of the South Centre
This question-and-answer document by Development Pathways and Human Rights Watch examines the human right to social security, and how universal social security can help protect people from economic shocks and other emerging threats, including climate-related hazards, while building just societies where all rights are realized. It also explains why policymakers should orient their policies toward establishing universal social security systems and avoid narrowly means-tested programs.
Social security is a human right, dating back to the 1948 Universal Declaration, and enshrined in a range of treaties and constitutions. It is closely linked with the right to an adequate standard of living and other economic, social and cultural rights.
Pandemics, wars and recessions do not exempt states from human-rights commitments. They must tax multinationals and the richest more to protect the most vulnerable. (Magdalena Sepúlveda)
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