Tag: Health (page 2 of 2)

World Health Day: The Struggle for Health goes on

In a jubilee year for the World Health Organization, we are still far away from achieving Health for All. For the founders of the WHO, health was “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”, not simply the absence of physical illness. Their vision did not translate into practice, and people are still denied this fundamental human right, simply because they live in a particular region or because they do not have money to pay for care.

Activists around the world have seized the opportunity brought by this World Health Day to mobilize and point to alternative directions to take. Some of these included looking back at existing concepts, like Comprehensive Primary Health Care, which have been cast aside under neoliberal capitalism.

The struggle for health goes on: World Health Day special (peoples-health-dispatch.ghost.io)

The Health Cost of Poverty

The number of cholera outbreaks in the world continues to grow, as does the number of infections and deaths. Cholera is a well known disease of poverty, and its spread can be contained in a very simple way: by ensuring access to clean water and sanitation. Still, there seems to be little interest among countries in the Global North to support the response to the outbreaks, at least while they remain far from their borders.

Read the new report of People’s Health Dispatch

A New Public Health System?

Interesting lessons from the COVID-19 crisis!

Latin America can lead the way on a new public health model | Coronavirus pandemic | Al Jazeera

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