Civil society stands up for a European pact for the future—green, social and fit for a one-planet economy.
A new European social contract must be green (
Civil society stands up for a European pact for the future—green, social and fit for a one-planet economy.
A new European social contract must be green (
Despite the European Pillar of Social Rights, social protection remains patchy for atypical and self-employed workers.
n a more precarious Europe, social protection and minimum-income guarantees must be more strongly embedded.
Stepping up the EU agenda on social citizenship (
The Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on a proposed directive to improve working conditions for platform workers. In the event that the deal struck today is confirmed by both institutions before going through the formal adoption procedure, it will help millions of them gain access to employment rights.
The directive introduces two key improvements: it helps determine the correct employment status of people working for digital platforms and establishes the first EU rules on the use of algorithm systems in the workplace.
The presumption of employment status for ‘gig’ workers has been diluted by the member states in negotiations.
Read in Social Europe: Dangers ahead for the platform-work directive (
Belgian Minister of Social Affairs Vandenbroucke outlines the possibilities for the European social agenda. Belgian will be EU-Council chair in first half of 2024
EU social agenda beyond 2024—no time to waste (
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