Tag: Aid

Is this what aid was meant to be?

A critical analysis of Official development Aid in 2023, by Eurodad

ODA-2023-briefing-jun18-EN.pdf (nationbuilder.com)

Wealthy donors pocket their own aid

  • New figures published today by the OECD show that hosting refugees in donor countries accounts for more than US$31 billion (equivalent to 13.8 per cent of total ODA)
  • Despite a small rise in ODA across all wealthy countries in 2023, in the EU aid fell by a shocking 7.7 per cent, with only a few members reporting increases

Poorest countries continue to lose out as wealthy donors pocket their own aid, according to latest OECD data – Eurodad

Against tied aid

Preventing donor countries from getting rich on their own aid …

The OECD Development Assistance Committee (ODA) is conducting a review of its Recommendation on Untying ODA (Official Development Assistance, or aid). In this blog, Eurodad’s aid expert Matthew Simonds examines how wealthy countries are continuing to profit from both formal and informal tied aid.

Exposing Tied Aid: Preventing donor countries from getting rich on their own aid – Eurodad

Aid under Threat: private sector instruments

A new Eurodad study:

“Since 2018, temporary rules have allowed donor countries to report private-sector oriented operations, known as Private Sector Instruments, as official development assistance. In this report, we chart the increased use of such operations, highlight problematic gaps in transparency and accountability, and end with recommendations both for the OECD DAC and wider civil society.”

Aid under threat: The shadowy business of private sector instruments – Eurodad

Assessing the Delivery of the 100 Billion US$ for climate action

In 2009, high-income countries committed in the Copenhagen Accords to mobilize US$100 billion a year by 2020 in climate finance for low- and middle-income countries. Oxfam reported on the progress of this commitment in 20162018 and 2020. This year’s report finds that high-income countries have not only failed to deliver on their commitment, but also – as in previous years – generous accounting practices have allowed them to overstate the level of support they have actually provided. Moreover, much of the finance has been provided as loans, which means that it risks increasing the debt burden of the countries it is supposed to help.

Report of Oxfam International

Foreign Aid Was Supposed To Help Nations In Need but Has Instead Enriched Western Contractors

This piece is well-developed, with an essential historical context going back many decades that is essential to understanding how we got here and is often obscured in contemporary accounts. The history here is particular to USAID, but the patterns and practices described apply to the entire OECD global aid complex, including Canada.


Standing strong in the face of global challenges

The Reality of Aid:

Throughout the network’s 30-year existence, issues surrounding aid and development have evolved into a more chaotic web of complications, prompting deeper injustices and poverty. Despite and because of this, any door of opportunity must be seized to magnify the calls of the people for rights-based, people centered development and for quality financing in areas concerning public services and climate justice, among others.

Read ‘The Reality of Aid”s new Report