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A Global South Organisation is needed

to promote South-South Cooperation

Branislav Gosovic

Artificial Intelligence is a Threat

Undermining Humanity

AI Is Threatening More Than Just Creative Jobs—It’s Undermining Our Humanity

Why Inequality matters

and why the US is not the greatest country in the world

Why Inequality Matters | Next Avenue

World Bank and IMF are missing the mark on social security

Case studies on the harm from austerity and means-testing

World Bank, IMF are Missing the Mark on Social Security | Human Rights Watch (

Yearbook on Economic, social and cultural Rights

The 2023 Yearbook of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) captures the full scope of the Committee’s activities over the year.

The Yearbook enhances the visibility and accessibility of the Committee’s work and has quickly evolved into an essential resource for civil society, human rights practitioners, academics, States, and anyone interested in harnessing human rights to address poverty, social injustice and inequality.

The sixth edition of the CESCR Yearbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the Committee’s work in 2023.

GI-ESCR – 2023 CESCR Yearbook

Towards a future-ready World Bank?

This is the message the World Bank wants to give at its annual meeting this week-end. But is it possible?

Reflections ahead of the 2024 Annual Meetings: is a “Future-Ready” World Bank Group just another buzzword? – Eurodad

IMF and World Bank: Reforms needed

ITUC’s statement about the needed reforms:

Global Unions statement to the 2024 annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank – International Trade Union Confederation (

‘A risky shift in social policies’

‘People and skills’ … reflections on the new European Commission

The EU’s ‘People, Skills, Preparedness’ agenda: A risky shift in social policy (

Social Protection as a prerequisite for climate justice

Interesting discussion on the ILO’s recent World Report on Social Protection 2024-26

Social protection is a prerequisite for climate justice – Development Pathways

Social Justice in the Energy Transition

Strong demands of ITUC

ITUC: We demand social justice in clean energy transition – International Trade Union Confederation (

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