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Human Rights on the Edge

Can human rights survive the decline of global Western hegemony? Rights supporters will no doubt find the question uncomfortable, if not heretical, for it contravenes the very tenets on which the international human rights enterprise has long rested: its claim to universality, its anchoring in impersonal international norms, and its demonstrated record of trying to hold accountable both non-Western and Western governments for their rights violations. Not only that, but the argument that human rights are in essence a Western imposition has long been rights-abusing governments’ weapon of choice to reject international scrutiny and hound rights activists at home. 

Human Rights on the Edge

Social Registries

Social Registries are incompatible with the Right to Social Security

Social Registries are incompatible with the right to Social Security –

Advancing the Right to Reproductive Health

PRESS STATEMENT: South Centre with CeHDI steps up work on advancing the right to health including sexual and reproductive health and rights

Business and Human Rights

A new impetus for corporate accountability

SouthNews: The 10th Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Business and Human Rights: New Impetus for Corporate Accountability

A solution for the debt crisis?

The answer of civil society organisations for Jubileee 25

Jubilee 2025: The new global debt crisis and its solutions

A crucial first step towards a UN Tax Convention

Negotiations started!

UN tax negotiations: A crucial first step – International Trade Union Confederation

The end of Progress?

Joe Stiglitz on Trump II

The End of Progress? by Joseph E. Stiglitz – Project Syndicate

There is no such thing as a good billionaire

Democrats want us to believe that there is some cohort of “good billionaires” who can be relied upon to fight for political progress. But as the right-wing turn of tech billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk suggests, this is nonsense.

There’s No Such Thing as a Good Billionaire

How inequality fuels the cosmetic surgery boom

Rising inequality drives a global surge in cosmetic procedures, reshaping beauty standards and social competition.

How Inequality Fuels the Cosmetic Surgery Boom

Labour can fight mass deportations

This is a frightening time for immigrant workers. President-elect Donald Trump ran on the slogan “mass deportations now,” and has appointed a team of anti-immigrant hardliners. The leadership of the Democratic Party has lurched to the right on this issue, adopting Trump’s rhetoric about “securing the border,” and embracing core Republican policies.

How Labor Can Fight Back Against Trump’s Mass Deportation Agenda | Labor Notes

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