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Richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity

  • Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent surged to 16 percent of world’s total CO2 emissions in 2019.
  • Their carbon emissions are enough to cause 1.3 million excess deaths due to heat.
  • Unequal countries suffer seven times more flood fatalities than more equal countries. 
  • Fairly taxing the super-rich would help curb both climate change and inequality.

A message from Oxfam International

Middle Income Country Trap?

In recent decades, failure to sustain economic progress has been blamed on a supposed middle-income country (MIC) trap. Such blaming obscures as much as it supposedly explains.

Article by Jomo Kwame Sundaram:

Aid under Threat: private sector instruments

A new Eurodad study:

“Since 2018, temporary rules have allowed donor countries to report private-sector oriented operations, known as Private Sector Instruments, as official development assistance. In this report, we chart the increased use of such operations, highlight problematic gaps in transparency and accountability, and end with recommendations both for the OECD DAC and wider civil society.”

Aid under threat: The shadowy business of private sector instruments – Eurodad

The real cost of billionaire philanthropy

Yesterday, the Institute for Policy Studies published a new report: The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy. The findings are alarming – and concerning. 

Despite the time and energy the billionaire donor class spends touting their charitable contributions, too many are moving their wealth to donor-controlled intermediaries instead of active charities. They use these donations to enhance their public image, grow political power, and even protect their financial assets.

Milton Friedman still runs the show at the IMF

“Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore,” Joe Biden said in a 2020 campaign interview while pledging to greatly scale up public investment. The comment was striking as the  University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman represents a branch of economics, the Chicago School, that has dominated fiscal policy in Washington for the last four decades.

Yes, but apparently the new policy stops at the US border

Read the article in The Progressive Magazine

On the problems with PPP’s

by Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) for infrastructure and service provision are both costly and risky. Worse, PPPs typically fail to ensure universal, let alone fair access to public amenities.

Public-private partnerships?
PPPs usually involve long-term contractual arrangements in which private businesses provide infrastructure and services traditionally provided by governments. In recent years, PPPs have built or run hospitals, schools, prisons, roads, airports, railways, water and sanitation.

Risk-sharing between public and private sectors has long been widespread. In recent years, more than two dozen different types of PPPs have been identified. Such variations reflect differences in deals between governments and commercial partners.

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Sweden’s social model

Sweden’s much-lauded model of prosperity and social comfort is threatened by a lack of public investment.

Social Europe: Sweden: a social model losing its sheen (

Do billionaires have a right to exist?

What an interesting question!

See the answer: (10) Do billionaires have a right to exist? – Robert Reich (

‘Women’s economics’ goes mainstream

Claudia Goldin’s Nobel prize puts women’s labour-force participation and the gender pay gap at the centre of economics.

Por Antara Haldar in Social Europe: ‘Women’s economics’ goes mainstream (

Claudia Goldin,Nobel prize,economics

Global Tax Evasion: good news and bad news

If – global – governance wants and needs new resources: tackle global tax evasion!

Read Jayathi Ghosh’s article

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