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75 Years of Human Rights and Labour Advocacy

On the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Convention 87, ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo calls for intensified efforts to promote and protect these rights and collectively strive for a future grounded in human dignity, freedom, and social justice.

Human Rights Day: 75 Years of Human Rights and Labour Advocacy (

Anthropocene or Corporatocene?

The author  argues that the term ‘anthropocene’ to denote the period of the modern environmental crisis is hollow and a political digression from the reality, and that the crisis is a product of corporate exploitation of the earth’s system. Putting the blame on the entire human society for the environmental crisis is a Western ideological ploy to shield the corporate culprits who have caused the destruction on the strength of their capital and technology. He therefore proposes the term ‘corporatocene’ to mark the epoch of environmental crisis. If anything it is the Western colonization and the invention of the steam engine that are the markers of the start of the pandemic assault on the earth’s natural systems. Obfuscating the debate on this by introducing politically motivated substitutes will only frustrate the efforts to forge meaningful solutions to the climate crisis.

Paper published by the South Center

Consultancy Firms Undermine Governments

Greater government reliance on consulting companies has greatly enriched them while also undermining state capacities, capabilities, national economies, progress, governance and legitimacy = a problem of democracy!

Article by Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Ong Kar Jin

Child Poverty in the midst of Wealth

UNICEF Innocenti’s Report Card 18, out today, presents the most up-to-date, comparable picture of poverty affecting children in OECD and EU countries. It finds that, despite overall decreases in poverty by nearly 8 per cent across 40 countries between 2014 and 2021, there were still over 69 million children living in poverty by the end of 2021.

Read the report

Key Demands for COP28

Member organizations of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors collectively advocate for strategic utilization of financial resources from this Fund. A central concern is to specifically allocate fund resources for the establishment and fortification of right-based Social Protection Systems. These systems play a pivotal role in mitigating the catastrophic consequences of climate change and adequately cushioning individual damages and losses, while contributing to increase resilience and improve adaptation.


Are debt swaps really a silver bullet?

As the end of 2023 approaches, 136 countries are considered to be in a critical debt situation. At the same time, fiscal space has been reduced, leading many, including governments, UN agencies and some international NGOs, to point to debt swaps as an innovative solution for tackling sovereign debt problems, while also generating resources for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or climate action. Therefore, debt swaps, while not new, are gaining increasing attention in international development and climate forums, particularly due to the proliferation of so-called “debt-for-nature swaps”.

Read the new report by Eurodad and others

Towards a UN Tax Convention?

A historic tax resolution tabled by the Africa Group was adopted at the UN General Assembly, kickstarting an intergovernmental UN tax process to negotiate a new UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.

Historic tax vote paves the way for a UN Tax Convention – Eurodad

COP28: Leading experts call for debt cancellation

More than 550 economists, development and climate experts including leading economists Yanis Varoufakis, Thomas Picketty, Jayati Ghosh, Ann Pettifor and Jason Hickel, philosopher Olufemi Taiwo and climate activists Vanessa Nakate and Hilda Nakabuye, have signed an open letter calling for debt cancellation at COP28. The open letter also received support from almost 300 organizations worldwide, including some of the most relevant climate networks, development international NGOs and human rights organisations.1

The statement, coordinated by The Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development, Latindadd, The European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) and Debt Justice, calls for cancellation of the debts of lower income countries on the front line of the climate emergency, and for rich countries to significantly increase levels of grant-based climate finance. 

Read the statement

Rich Distort Climate Problems, Offer Self-Serving Solutions

Many in the wealthy West have misrepresented the causes of global warming, offering false solutions while claiming the high moral ground. This distracts attention from how they became wealthy while emitting greenhouse gases.

Article by Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Yin Shao loong

Against inequalities in the world of work

An ILO conference adopted a declaration committing to enhance action towards the development and implementation of national policies to reduce and prevent inequalities in the world of work, through social dialogue. Such policies will respond to national circumstances, needs and priorities, based on tripartite consensus.

ILO-AICESIS International Conference: Social dialogue institutions pledge to tackle inequalities in the world of work

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