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EU: Social Dialogue is urgent!

EU instruments encouraging social dialogue and collective bargaining are very valuable—but not if employers can walk away.

Social dialogue: urgent to turn words into deeds (

Between life and debt

This report highlights the depth of a crisis that is beyond debt. It is a development
and human crisis when government opts to service a creditor [rather] than
its citizens. The findings are clear, governments are working for creditors
and not people, this must change Join the movement for a fair economy
if Africa is to be a rule maker

j474500-media-report_aw_spreads.pdf (

For democracy at work, we demand the right to strike

For Democracy at Work, We Demand the Right to Strike! – International Trade Union Confederation (

Sign ITUC’s petition!

Financing Gap for Universal Social Protection

The primary aim of this ILO study is to provide updated estimates of the financing gap to attain universal coverage for social protection floors. This estimation encompasses 133 low- and middle-income countries, and includes five income security guarantees (for children, persons with severe disabilities, mothers of newborns, older persons and the unemployed), together with essential health care. 

Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space | International Labour Organization (

Greenwashing the skies

Greenwashing the Skies: How the Private Jet Lobby Uses ‘Sustainable Aviation Fuels’ as a Marketing Ploy

REPORT: Greenwashing the Skies: How the Private Jet Lobby Uses “Sustainable Aviation Fuels” as a Marketing Ploy – Institute for Policy Studies (

Workers’ rights: a casualty of the war

The war in Ukraine has devastated the country’s trade union movement—and the lives of workers.

Workers’ rights—a casualty of the war in Ukraine (

A new social contract must be green!

Civil society stands up for a European pact for the future—green, social and fit for a one-planet economy.

A new European social contract must be green (

Social Protection for all?

Despite the European Pillar of Social Rights, social protection remains patchy for atypical and self-employed workers.

Delivering on social protection for all (

Step forward in UN Tax Convention Process

International tax dodging, corporate tax reform, wealth taxes and environmental tax issues were all on the agenda of the first substantial negotiations of the UN Tax Convention process, which ended this week in New York. The process included all 193 Member States at the United Nations, and at the final plenary, all countries reached a consensus agreement on the next – and final – negotiating round, starting in July this year. 

Important step forward for UN Tax Convention process – Eurodad

Who is afraid of redistribution?

There is a growing attack on the entire idea of redistribution, with social benefits being decried as freebies even as the super-rich are praised as wealth creators.

An article by Jean Drèze

Who Is Afraid of Redistribution? | Economic and Political Weekly (

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