Author: Francine (page 3 of 84)

Are labour disputes here to stay?

Workers across Europe are increasingly dissatisfied with the increased cost of living which is often not matched by their payslips. 2023 was marked by several significant labour disputes across Europe, even in countries with a low record of disputes. This is especially the case for transport, education, health and social care, and manufacturing workers.

Are labour disputes here to stay?

How ‘Social Europe’ shapes global labour standards

How the EU’s Social Europe model influences global labour standards through inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Can the EU Export Its Values? How ‘Social Europe’ Shapes Global Labour Standards 

Reform the international Debt Architecture

This article stresses how international debt architecture reform requires innovative solutions beyond the G20 Common Framework, and should be addressed at the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development.

The South Centre | SouthViews No. 278, 27 November 2024

Is Europe’s new security focus putting social justice at risk?

As Europe braces for mounting crises, a new EU agenda prioritizes security, but at what cost to social justice and climate action?

From Trump’s Win to Valencia’s Floods: Is Europe’s New Security Focus Putting Social Justice at Risk?

Overwhelming majority for UN Tax Convention

a vote in the 2nd Committee of the UN General Assembly ended with an overwhelming majority in favor of approving the Terms of Reference for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. The negotiation process for the new convention is now set to begin in February 2025 and end in 2027.

Another overwhelming majority puts the UN Tax Convention negotiations on track, but the EU abstains – Eurodad

Noonomía y justicia social

Contribución a la Conferencia en la Ciudad de México, 27-28 Noviembre 2024

Dra Francine Mestrum

Mi ponencia refleja una perspectiva europea. Soy de Bruselas, capital de un país pequeño y rico, Bélgica, y también capital de la Unión Europea.

Empecé a leer la obra del profesor Bodrunov con gran entusiasmo. Por fin vuelve a tratar de la producción material, de las necesidades humanas, de una crítica del pensamiento postindustrial, de la “economía” y de cómo puede cambiar o incluso desaparecer, y del lugar de la tecnología y el conocimiento.

Entusiasmo, también porque en Europa estamos acostumbrados a escuchar sólo dos voces: los partidarios del sistema capitalista y de cómo en él se puede reforzar la competitividad y la productividad del trabajo para promover el crecimiento, por un lado, y los partidarios de una economía “verde”, con decrecimiento, menos consumo, renta básica y solidaridad comunitaria, por otro lado.

Para quienes investigan la justicia social, ambos caminos acaban en un callejón sin salida. La justicia social es en gran medida incompatible con el capitalismo y la economía verde suele ignorarla convenientemente o acaba en las soluciones del pasado. Lo presento de forma un poco caricaturesca y simplista, por supuesto que hay muchos matices que hacer, pero en aras de la claridad y a efectos de esta contribución, es suficiente.

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Trade Unions against Gender Based Violence

Crucial for social justice!

Trade unions in action against gender-based violence: 16 days of activism – International Trade Union Confederation

Why work so long hours?

Working time in Europe has not changed since the 1980s!

Why Haven’t Full-Time Workers Cut Hours Since the 1980s?

A political movement to fight billionaires?

Is there not too much silence today?

We need a political movement to fight billionaires | Will Bunch Newsletter

For a new International Financial Architecture

The international financial architecture is in urgent need of reform. In the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, it is “outdated, dysfunctional and unjust”. The main institutions were created 80 years ago in a transatlantic agreement, at a time when many of the world’s nation-states of today were still colonies. Moreover, the institutions have failed in their mission to prevent and mitigate crises and to mobilize sufficient financing for internationally agreed development goals.

Reimagining the International Financial Architecture | Global Policy Forum

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