Author: Francine (page 22 of 86)

On the far right rhetoric

Many Europeans hold exclusionary and restrictive notions of national identity, which set high barriers to the acceptance of immigrants in national societies. Until recent years, however, relatively few acted on these notions by voting for parties with restrictive positions on immigration.

This relationship now seems to have changed, with increasing success for the far right. What has caused this change? Our recent research provides an answer.

Adopting far-right rhetoric increases far-right votes (

Perspectives and Challenges for Debt Justice

The global south debt crisis is no longer a risk, but a very tangible reality. Increasing debt payments are crippling governments’ ability to provide essential public services and tackle the climate crisis. 

Debt service, including both domestic and external debt payments, is absorbing an average 38 per cent of budget revenue and 30 per cent of spending across the global south. This rises to 54 per cent of revenue and 40 per cent of spending in Africa, according to a Debt Service Watch report

Debt justice in 2024: challenges and prospects in a full-blown debt crisis – Eurodad

Towards a UN Tax Convention

After an historic breakthrough at the UN General Assembly in November 2023, the UN has now started the negotiation of the terms of reference for a new Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. This week, the first round of negotiations was concluded at the UN Headquarters in New York. Despite the fact that 48 governments – mainly from OECD countries – voted no to the decision in November 2023, all governments now came together this week and found consensus on the road ahead.

UN reaches global consensus on the road ahead towards a Tax Convention – Eurodad

Do Philanthropists Skew Global Health research?

A most interesting question for the ‘Bill Gates’ of this world!

The ‘Bill Gates problem’: do billionaire philanthropists skew global health research? (

Reforming the European Workers’ Council

Might be a positive development …

European Works Councils: on a road to further reform (

Inequality and Methodology

For those wondering how Oxfam arrives at its inequality statistics, here is their methodology report:

Davos 2024 Methodology Note.pdf (

Early Child Education and Care

On the importance of care and care workers…

Quality early years services: building the future Europe (

The age of Trillionaires

How to stop it?

We’re fast approaching the era of the trillionaire. What can we do to stop it? | Atossa Araxia Abrahamian | The Guardian

Universal Social Security Schemes in Poor Countries

Challenging the misconception that universal social security is only viable in high-income countries, this paper compiles examples of ongoing universal coverage schemes in low- and middle-income countries, focusing on old age, disability, and child benefits.

Taking stock of progress: A compilation of universal social security schemes in low- and middle-income countries – Development Pathways

Foundations of African Public Debt

Public debt in African economies has become a subject of critical examination as nations grapple with the challenges and opportunities it presents. This research paper embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the complexities surrounding public debt in Africa, aiming to shed light on its historical roots, legal foundations, theoretical dimensions, creation processes, rights and liabilities, and transparency mechanisms. By addressing these multifaceted aspects, this study seeks to offer valuable insights and policy recommendations for effective debt management and governance

The Legal Foundations of the African Public Debt – AFRODAD

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