The ILO has formally agreed on a definition for a living wage – an essential part of the New Social Contract – to reshape the global economy to serve the interests of working people.
The ILO has formally agreed on a definition for a living wage – an essential part of the New Social Contract – to reshape the global economy to serve the interests of working people.
Want to know how it works? Want to know how ‘generous’ Elon Musk is?
Elon Musk Has a Giant Charity. Its Money Stays Close to Home. – The New York Times (
An EU directive should mandate member states to address shortages as a risk to occupational health.
Establishing safe staffing in health and social care (
As the negotiations of Terms of Reference for a new United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation move forward, over 170 organisations and trade unions have responded to a consultation and made a joint submission to the Chair of the negotiations, specifying the key points that we expect the Convention to deliver on.
The EU is strengthening the rights of platform workers. But companies are left with loopholes that not every member state wants to close
Illusion of substance – European integration | IPS Journal (
Developing countries wanting to pursue industrial policy were severely reprimanded by advocates of the ‘neoliberal’ Washington Consensus. Now, it is being deployed as a weapon in the new Cold War.
Industrial Policy, East or West, for Development or War? | Inter Press Service (
Four years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the United States has 737 billionaires with a combined wealth of more than $5.5 trillion.
Total U.S. Billionaire Wealth: Up 88 Percent over Four Years –
A presumption of employment and rights on algorithmic management are at the heart of the revived platform-work directive.
‘Gig’ workers in Europe: the new platform of rights (
Economists could benefit from greater engagement with the ideas of philosophers, historians, and sociologists, just as Adam Smith once did. The philosophers, historians, and sociologists would likely benefit.
Angus Deaton
Rethinking Economics or Rethinking My Economics by Angus Deaton (
Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they’re paying Uncle Sam.
Corporations That Pay Their Executives More Than Uncle Sam –
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